Updates and current photos of the Lambert Road and Ladera Lane Campuses
Photos taken on Monday, December 19th at noon.
Yesterday, our local firefighters let a few senior staff members up to see our beloved Ladera Lane Campus at Pacifica Graduate Institute. We are pleased to report that Pacifica stands unharmed from the Thomas Fire. Our heroic firefighters stopped the fire at Romero Canyon, with spot fires less than a mile from Ladera Lane.
“Power has been restored,” said Ken Haskett, the Public Information Officer who escorted us. “Hand crews held the line on East Mountain drive through the weekend as the fire was advancing. When winds permitted, there were up to eleven helicopters in this area, dropping 350 gallons of water each onto hotspots. The fire is now 50% contained (as of yesterday, December 18th). And Pacifica has been spared from what is looking to be the biggest wildfire in the modern history of California.”
We also had the opportunity get onto the Lambert Road Campus which also remains unharmed from the Thomas fire. Our IT Director is busy working to get us back online to serve our students, staff, and faculty

From everyone at Pacifica Graduate Insitutie, we would like to thank the fire fighters for protecting Pacifica and its neighbors from the Thomas Fire. We are eternally grateful.