By Dennis Patrick Slattery
Pacificas Then and Now
Between similar and same
appears a cavern of dry ice bluish in sunlight.
Some of us repel deep into the cave’s
narrowing crevasse
but such descent will not alter
history’s melting cap.
My history, your memory
frame themselves through the shutters
of the present.
Now is when a crouching likeness
poses on steel claws where
you, I, and selected others
people the same space
in time’s rhythmic heart
where Uranos-Pluto conjunct.
The prompt is sufficient
for us to recall one another
delight in fields of insight
here now and for all time.
Let’s agree then to begin with the first forty.
The next will be similar, yes,
like yesterdays’ forms and shapes.
But they are hardly the same
and will repel duplication.
This we can count on.
By Dennis Patrick Slattery In Celebration of Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Forty Year Anniversary 2016
Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. Core Faculty, Mythological Studies Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute.