has added three new videos by Virginia Satir to our online streaming collection: Blended Family with a Troubled Boy, A Family at the Point of Growth, and A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem. The Pacifica Library's Exclusive Collection now contains 136 titles (220 hours), including several by prominent psychologists such as James Hillman, Irvin Yalom, Carl Rogers, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Albert Bandura, Peter Levine, Virginia Satir, Ernest Rossi, and more. The database allows you to view videos online, with each video broken down by chapter for quick navigation. Synchronized transcripts and subtitles are available for many of the videos, with the spoken words highlighted on a transcript as a video plays. Many videos also come with instructor's manuals. We welcome you to explore the collections and contact the Pacifica Graduate Research Library with any questions.
Pacifica's Graduate Research Library
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