Are we following our inner calling and giving our best self to society?
Dr. Bernardo Nante, founder and president of the Fundación Vocación Humana (Human Vocation Foundation) was a recent guest lecturer at Pacifica. This fifteen-minute lecture from Dr. Nante explores the meaning of vocation and how a person can begin to 'hear' their inner calling. Utilizing forgotten resources Dr. Nante attempts to recover the wisdom of our elders of the past helping us to follow our dharma and reach the full potential of our being.
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Bernardo Dante, Ph.D. in Philosophy. Bernardo's graduate studies include Psychology, Oriental Studies, Mathematics and Economics and he is a former professor in various Universities and higher education institutions such as: Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires. Dr. Nante investigates on the interrelation between Psychology, Religion and Comparative Western-Oriental Philosophy and is the founder and President of Fundación Vocación Humana (Human Vocation Foundation). Dr. Nante specializes in the sources of Carl Gustav Jung's works and in translating and commenting alchemical studies. He participated in the edition of several volumes of the Complete Works of C.G. Jung, Madrid, Trotta and was in charge of the Spanish edition of C.G. Jung The Red Book, Buenos Aires, El Hilo de Ariadna/Malba-Fundación Costantini, 2010. His recent publications include El libro rojo de Jung: claves para la comprensión de una obra inexplicable (Jung's Red Book: Keys for the Understanding of an Incomprehensible Work) Buenos Aires, El Hilo de Ariadna, 2010 and Madrid, Ed. Siruela, 2011 and Guida alla Lettura del Libro Rosso di C.G. Jung, Torino, Ed. Bollati Boringhieri, 2012.