A video post with Lionel Corbett, M.D.
"Psychotherapists who are interested in Depth Psychology are living in a professional world that is dominated by cognitive behavioral approaches....Human relationships are much too complicated to be fully contained in the net of empirical research. Measurement is certainly not an appropriate approach to the unconscious. The unconscious is much too slippery for quantitative methods and it's certainly no use in the spiritual dimension which is the dimension that jungian psychology is concerned with. It's important to remember that all theories of psychotherapy are based on a certain view of human nature and a certain world view and I believe the practitioners who work within any particular approach are making a commitment to the underlying philosophy of that approach whether or not they're doing so consciously. so it's important to understand this otherwise one is unwittingly committing oneself to a view of humanity that may not be in accord with one’s real values."
Lionel Corbett received his Medical Degree from the University of Manchester, England, in 1966; served as a military physician; and became a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1974. In the USA, he did fundamental research into the biochemistry of the brain; began one of the first programs in the psychology of aging; was a hospital medical director of in-patient psychiatry; trained as a Jungian analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago 1978-1986; helped found a training program for Jungian analysts in Santa Fe, while carrying on a private practice and teaching psychiatry at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Corbett has studied various spiritual disciplines including Christian and Jewish mysticism, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, and Yoga and has had a personal meditation practice for 20 years. He currently teaches in the Depth Psychotherapy and Doctoral Clinical Psychology Programs at Pacifica Graduate Institute near Santa Barbara, California, and the author of 5 books, several training films, and about 40 professional articles.